Photo credit David Stobbe

Belinda C. Daniels (kakiyosew) (Cree) is a nēhiyaw from Sturgeon Lake First Nations, SK. She takes great pride in remembering her roots and ties to land. She is a grand-daughter, mother, sister and wife. Belinda has four children and resides in saskatoon-minatohk askiy. She is a Cree language activist for the preservation and revitalization of all Indigenous languages. She is the founder of the nehiyawak Summer Language Experience (13 years), an annual summer camp that focuses on language skill building in the original context of our nēhiyawak ancestors, out on the land. Belinda teaches others how to teach Cree as a second language on various First Nations Reserves. Her role in language development, theory and practice has been diverse from teaching language methodologies, curriculum development from K-12 in nēhiyawēwin to programming. Belinda is a published academic writer, teacher, mentor and an award winning educator. She was the only Canadian Global Teacher Finalist in 2016 out of 8000 nominations that took her Dubai for the last two years. Amongst her many accomplishments Belinda has travelled nationally to internationally on issues about Indigenous education, language revitalization and Indigenous Identity. Belinda currently teaches Indigenous Studies, Cultural Arts and nehiyawewin Core Language classes for the Saskatoon Public School Division and is a sessional for the Canadian Indigenous Language and Development Institute with the University of Alberta. Lastly, she is currently a PH.D Candidate with the Interdisciplinary Department at University of Saskatchewan. Belinda’s hobbies and interests include the outdoors, volunteering for various boards like United Way Saskatoon and the Dr. Sterling McDowell Foundation and spending time with family.

Presentation abstract:

This presentation will share Indigenous language tips for revitalizing Indigenous languages found with practical experience and current best practices of language programs throughout North America. It will also include an intimate discussion on the nehiyawak Language Experience, a grassroots initiative. The progression and development of curriculum work rooted in nehiyaw epistemology. The importance of identity and its link to land and language working in unison creating whole and healthy nations of Indigenous peoples.  Most importantly how language reclaiming is an act of resurgence, an act coming from love.

For a video about the language camp see HERE.