Steven Crowchild (Ninagha Naʔitsidi) is a Tsuut’ina Isgiya, father, and current Director of the Tsuut’ina Gunaha Institute, the language revitalization program of the Tsuut’ina Nation. Steven has worked for the Institute since 2012 in various capacities but has served as Director since 2014. Under his leadership, the program has evolved and adjusted to serve the need of language and culture revitalization on the Tsuut’ina Nation. Over the years, Steven has been directly involved in the development and piloting of various initiatives and projects such as app development, curriculum development, culture camps, language nest, mentor-apprentice initiative, animation, language/culture film projects, professional development initiatives, recording projects, and so much more.
This presentation will focus on the importance and benefits of engaging and including young people in the development and leadership of language revitalization initiatives. The Tsuut’ina Gunaha Institute proudly boasts a team made up primarily of young people under the age of 30 who work under the direction of fluent speakers/elders. Presentation attendees will learn about the various initiatives and methods that the Tsuut’ina Gunaha Institute is employing in their fight for Nation language revitalization. Through various projects and initiatives – both within and outside the education system – they have demonstrated gradual success with their efforts. In this presentation, attendees will learn about the work being done to foster an atmosphere of language and culture within the Tsuut’ina Nation schools and community. This work includes culture camps, resource development, curriculum development, professional development, community initiatives, and much more.
To learn more about Steven Crowchild and his work see HERE and HERE.